“I Can See Clearly Now Project” is a nationwide Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program initiated by Magnum Corporation (Magnum) to help provide eye-checks for school children and spectacles for the needy. Magnum employees have been the major force in promoting and implementing the Project across the Country. Our colleagues throughout East and West Malaysia form Teams and carry out the following key tasks: Identify the Primary Schools to carry out the eye screening; Raise funds to help the students who cannot afford the spectacles. Seed Money provided by Magnum; Identify an Optical Partner to work with to help in the eye screening; Carry out the eye screening test in the Schools; Donate the spectacles to those students who cannot afford them; and Bring awareness of proper eye care habits to all the school children in the School. For more info, click: http://www.magnumcares.my/content.php?id=213&lang=1 Took place at MEGASTAR ARENA on 27th Nov...
INSTAGRAM: michie_billie